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Parent Resources

The Edmonton Public Schools website offers a wealth of resources for parents to stay informed and engaged with their child's education. One of the standout tools is SchoolZone, an excellent platform where parents can access important information regarding upcoming events, student programming, and academic updates.

On SchoolZone, parents can easily find details related to homework assignments, achievement results, interim reports, and progress reports, ensuring they remain connected to their child's learning journey. Additionally, parents can locate teacher email addresses in the resources section of SchoolZone, making it simple to reach out for any questions or concerns.

We encourage all parents to take advantage of these resources to support their children's educational experience and to stay actively involved in our school community. Together, we can foster a supportive environment that enhances student success.

Steele Heights School Code of Conduct

At Steele Heights School, we believe in creating a safe, respectful, and productive learning environment. To promote these values, students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the following Code of Conduct:

Student Expectations:
1. Diligence in Studies: Students shall be diligent in pursuing their studies and strive for academic success.
2. Accountability: Students must be accountable to their teachers for their conduct.
3. Regular Attendance: Students are expected to attend school regularly and punctually.
4. Respect for Others: Students shall respect the rights of others and foster a culture of kindness and inclusivity.
5. Cooperation: Students must cooperate fully with everyone authorized to provide educational programs and services.
6. ID Cards: Students are required to carry their school ID card at all times while on school premises.
7. Adherence to Dress Code: Students must follow the dress code, which prohibits hats and requires appropriate clothing choices.
8. Technology Use: Students must use technology appropriately, adhering to school guidelines.

Grounds for Disciplinary Action:
Disciplinary action that could lead to suspension or expulsion may be warranted for unacceptable behavior, including but not limited to:

- Conduct that threatens the safety of students and/or staff.
- Possession of a weapon on a student's person, in their desk, or locker, including anything designed or intended for use in causing harm or intimidation.
- Displaying or brandishing a weapon in a threatening manner.
- Assaulting another person.
- Possession or use of illegal drugs, alcohol, or inhalants within school grounds or during school holidays.
- Violating district/school policies on harassment, smoking, attendance, and student rights and responsibilities.
- Theft or vandalism.
- Willful disobedience or defiance toward authority.
- Use of improper, abusive, offensive, or profane language.
- Willful damage to school or others' property.
- Disruption of class activities or the orderly conduct of the school.
- Violations of the Code of Conduct as outlined in the School Act, Section 12.
- Trespassing, loitering, or causing disturbance in violation of Section 27 of the School Act.
- Misuse of technology, such as computers, cameras, cell phones, and digital devices for illegal, unethical, immoral, or inappropriate purposes.

Students are encouraged to take pride in their school and their conduct, contributing positively to our community. Adherence to this Code of Conduct is essential for fostering an environment where all students can thrive academically and socially. Together, let’s ensure a safe and respectful learning atmosphere for everyone at Steele Heights School.

School Board Trustee for Steele Heights School is Michelle Draper.  For more information on our trustee, please click on the below link.
